NSL Aerospace was seeking a solar energy system installation with a payback period of less than the 9 years local average.
The facility’s energy use would normally warrant a 145kW solar system; however, the facility roof capacity and local code regulations limited Progeneration to a 123kW system.

Progeneration Solution: Progeneration’s design team used cutting edge solar energy technology to create a 123kW system with an efficiency of 86%, far above the industry average of 80%, while providing the same production as a 145kW system.

Along with reducing the size and cost of the project, Progeneration was able to work with federal and local programs to generate grants of over $97,000. This created a system savings of over $185,000 when combined with the Investment Tax Credit! The result was a 5.5 year payback, and a very happy Progeneration Energy Partner!


  • Zero capital expenditure for customer
  • Lighting maintenance plan at no cost to the customer
  • Upgraded LED lighting throughout the facility
  • 145kW Solar Installation project

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